This was originally something I was just doing for myself (since we were studying Idaho state history), but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it would be beneficial to a lot of other Idaho homeschoolers. There were so many fabulous answers that I started dividing by geographic location. I asked in our state’s homeschool group for people to help me come up with a list of fun historic locations to visit in Idaho. Visiting historic sites can do the same thing. It really changed how I understood that book when I actually saw the real setting. Later, we drove through the location of the book, and it was flat, desolate, and hardly a tree to be seen. Having only seen the Western side of the state (Jackson Hole area), I pictured forests and mountain passes.

I remember reading a book once, as a teen, that was set in Eastern Wyoming. The location really helps with understanding.

We love visiting historic locations, because it helps us get a better understanding of history. History doesn’t have to be something boring in a text book (in fact, if it is, put down the text book and find some fun living books to make history come alive!). One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is experiencing hands on history. Make history come alive in your homeschool with Boise field trips! Check out these fun ideas for historic homeschool field trip ideas in Boise, Idaho.